Kekacauan besar dalam Darul-Islam

Musuh umat Islam ialah umat Islam sendiri. Kuasa Yahudi-Kristen Barat tidak akan berjaya, kecuali kerana penyelewengan-penyelewengan umat Islam sendiri dari ajaran-ajaran Tuhan kepada mereka.Oleh:…

Govt urged to set up IPCMC

Opposition parties and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) formed an alliance Friday (28 Dec) in order to urge government to set up Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC)…

60 years of chaos, convulsions

Bloodshed plagues Pakistan from its birth as secular state to one mired in religious conflictsEvents of the past year, with terrorists striking freely at the heart of the establishment in Islamabad…