Why would anyone take toxic waste?

APPEALING TO GREED WILL MALAYSIAN SIVs SUCCEED IN THIS SUCKERS’ GAME?For six months, I have been exposing the con and fraud that was inherent in the SIVs touted by the global investments banks,…

Paranjothy stands by his statement

The StarKUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan Youth vice-chief S. Paranjothy will wait for the outcome of the party’s disciplinary committee meeting on a statement he made before deciding on his next course of…

Malaysia to protect Hindu temples

San Jose Mercury NewsBy VIJAY JOSHI Associated Press WriterKUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia—Malaysia's government unveiled Monday a major initiative to protect Hindu temples, hoping to pacify ethnic

Tidak boleh menegur sesama BN

Roslan SMSHarakahdailySejak kebelakangan ini banyak sungguh suara ketidakpuasan hati kita dengar dari kalangan saf kepimpinan BN sendiri terhadap sama ada BN ataupun Umno selaku tulang-belakang parti…

Celebrating Malaysia Day

COMMENTBy SUHAINI AZNAMRecently, leaders of various parties on both sides of the political divide on the peninsula have again suggested that more emphasis be given to Malaysia Day, so that the people…

The US Dollar: The Long Farewell?

Gwynne DyerThe Salt Lake TribuneIt's just straws in the wind so far. India's Ministry of Culture announces that foreign tourists can no longer pay in dollars when visiting the Taj Mahal and…

Britain now a Catholic country

Figures show more in UK attending Mass rather than Anglican servicesLONDON - Roman Catholics have overtaken Anglicans as the country's dominant religious group. More people attend Mass…