‘They acted like thugs’

Raja Petra KamarudinKL CLUB RAID BY RELIGIOUS SQUADONE girl could not take it anymore. Her request to go the toilet was refused.She then relieved herself in her pants.The young woman had been rounded…

A two-party system

Raja Petra KamarudinIs Malaysia ready for a two-party system? Maybe not. But then maybe the more appropriate question would be: can Malaysia afford NOT to have a two-party system? Like it or not,…

No smoke without fire

Raja Petra KamarudinSome accuse Malaysia Today of dabbling in rumours and speculation. Some even question the credibility of Malaysia Today and have boldly declared that I know nothing about…

Agreeing to disagree

Raja Petra KamarudinThe Selangor and Johor muftis are both of the opinion that the recent burning of dead bodies in Aceh is wrong from the Islamic point of view. The Perak mufti and head of the Fatwah…

Islam Hadhari for dummies

Raja Petra KamarudinMalaysia has seen many maxims in its extremely short history as an independent nation. There was Look East, Leadership by Example, Malaysia Inc., etc. Now we have Malaysia Boleh…

Is Democracy Islamic?

Raja Petra KamarudinYesterday, Rangkaian Web Marhaen published a most interesting and thought provoking piece in Bahasa Melayu written by Sri Bunian called ISLAMKAH DEMOKRASI? (Is Democracy Islamic?).…

Faith vs. logic

Raja Petra KamarudinI have always argued that logic can be applied to religion and that religion should not be faith (iman) minus logic. But Muslims resent what they view as someone ‘questioning’…

Many a true word is said in jest

Raja Petra KamarudinThe Malay College Old Boys Association (MCOBA) has been organising Annual Dinners for some decades now. In the beginning, professional artists were engaged to entertain the…

A taste of one’s own medicine

Raja Petra KamarudinI had this teacher who once lectured us on the bad habit of smoking. He would constantly stink of nicotine for he was a chain-smoker and we could smell him even before he entered…

Between right and wrong

Raja Petra KamarudinOn Friday, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Dr Maximus Ongkili, said the federal government will always respect state rights and privileges, ‘whether those given to…

What is the ruling on apostasy?

Raja Petra KamarudinSome religious authorities say Muslims should not wish Christians ‘Merry Christmas’. In fact, they say, Muslims should not participate in any non-Muslim (kafir) celebrations at…

Speak up and be heard: Hishamuddin

Raja Petra KamarudinYesterday, Malaysia’s Education Minister, Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, who is also the Umno Youth Leader, called on ‘the moderate voice of Islam representing the vast majority of…

Islam Hadhari vs. Islam Hak Babi

Raja Petra KamarudinIt is interesting that, of all people, the Deputy Prime Minister, Najib Razak, should be giving Malaysians a lecture on Islam. Well, I remember my Tok Guru (religious teacher),…

Insults, insults, and yet more insults

Raja Petra KamarudinSome ‘religious’ leaders have decreed that Malaysia Today, in particular its editor, has insulted Islam. Well, under the Hudud law, one of the Islamic laws, this crime is called…

Agreements are made to be broken

Raja Petra KamarudinIslam says:if someone breaks a promise more than three times, then you should no longer be associated with that person. But what if it is a government that keeps breaking its…

I love a good fight

Raja Petra KamarudinI have said this before and I will say it again: I will always be in the opposition. And why is that? Because I just love going against those in power. In short, I am…

The Malays and their high horse

Raja Petra KamarudinMalaysians shout and scream about wanting freedom of expression -- basically, freedom of speech, freedom of the media and freedom to assemble without the requirement of a police…

Why Islam is so backward

Raja Petra KamarudinA few years back, in August 1998, one local Islamic organisation, Saba Islamic Media, launched a campaign to place a Koran in every hotel room, which it called ‘Hotel Qur’an…

A tale of two imams

Raja Petra KamarudinUMNO has alleged that the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) has created a split amongst the Muslims to the extent that even masjids now have two imams, one for the PAS supporters and…

Plus and minus

Raja Petra KamarudinDo you own a PLUS tag? Well, be very careful. PLUS tags are hot items for petty thieves and drug addicts. If you display your PLUS tag on your windscreen as required, they will…

Imam Munafiq and Fasik

Raja Petra KamarudinI was the Chairman of the Kolam Mosque (Masjid Kolam, Kuala Ibai, Kuala Terengganu) for about 20 years from the 1970s. That was about the time Ustaz Haji Abdul Hadi Awang first…

One nation, two systems

Raja Petra KamarudinChina is not the only country in the world that practices the concept of one nation two systems -- which was a policy adopted after Hong Kong reverted to China. Malaysia, too,…

Malay rights and privileges

Raja Petra KamarudinIn March this year, Malaysian voters gave Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s government a resounding victory in the 11th General Election. The Umno-led Barisan Nasional government secured…