Govt sued over cadet’s death

KUALA LUMPUR: A lorry driver is suing the Government and two others for over RM1mil in damages over the death of his Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) trainee son last year.

Zaid attacks race politics

By Leslie Lau, The Malaysian Insider Amid widespread speculation over his political future, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has criticised his own party Umno for contributing to race relations problems.

Pak Lah Umum Tarik Diri Okt 8hb?

Selalu jurublog ini tidak ambil perhatian blog-blog baru, melainkan ianya betul menarik. Begitu juga dengan blog baru Mesin Taip Burok. Blog mula menarik perhatian kerana tulisannya,Pak Lah undur, Ku…


When I read this in Malaysiakini about a blog posting that allegedly posted insulting remarks about Indians in Malaysia, I decided to go have a look.

Badawi: Will he fight or quit?

Badawi has reached a turning point in his political carreer as UMNO President and Malaysian Prime Minister (No.5). In the next few days, he must decide what he must do. He has basically two clear…

Hindraf keterlaluan garbage!

After 51 years of Independence ... a large number of some 540 Tamil Schools in the country are substandard, dilapidated and they are not full government schools! ... whereas not a single Sekolah…

What Bangsa Malaysia!

It has been a roller coaster ride for us Malaysian since March 8 2008. You know, I actually thought that we as Malaysian are growing out of racism and into creating one race which is Bangsa…

Why Teresa Kok is the target

The attacks against Kok and the attempts to portray her as a Chinese chauvinist who is anti-Islam represent a crude attempt at undermining the credibility and viability of the opposition

Media Double Talk

Take a look at this statement . Made by senior UMNO leaders. Leave it to Pak Lah to decide when he wants to leave. So they say. Fair enough. But the thing is Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has in fact decided…

Pengemis di Aidilfitri

Mohd Rashidi Hassan, HarakahMenjelang Aidilfitri, umat Islam diwajibkan menunaikan zakat dan sekaligus digalakkan untuk bersedekah sebanyak mana yang mampu kepada golongan fakir miskin.

Hindraf mahu bermaafan, Umno kutuk

Abdul Aziz Mustafa, HarakahAKTIVIS-AKTIVIS Hindraf yang begitu sukar dan tidak pernah berpeluang berjumpa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dikutuk kerana menyampaikan bantahan mereka…

Racist Malaysians

When I read Malaysiakini Furore over racist blog posting I thought to myself, f*, this is just the sort of stuff someone will seize on to divert attention from Ahmad Ismail … or the Kulim