Malaysia: Outrage at racist blogger

posted by Daniel Chandranayagam on Oct 03, 2008 in Global Voices AdvocacyBlogger “Sammy”, reported to be a 22 year old employee in a Kuala Lumpur advertising firm, was reported to have…

‘Don’t politicise red IC case’

Kota Kinabalu: Puteri Umno deputy chief Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said the issue of changing the status of a Sino-Kadazan Sabahan to that of a permanent resident should not be politicised.

The Making Of A Prime Minister

Where does a Prime Minister come from?-- The Umno President is the Prime Minister (it is taken for granted).Why is Umno President the Prime Minister?-- He is the leader of the main ruling party (it is…

The way ahead for Najib

OCT 3 - Sometimes, being the underdog or written off as the second choice can be a liberating experience. It means being able to carry out a job without a millstone of expectations.

Chia to continue serving party

KUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan secretary-general Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye, though not contesting any party posts, will continue to serve the party in whatever capacity that he can.

BN should embrace, not reject, Hindraf

By Baradan KuppusamyOCT 3 — The arrival of over 100 Hindraf members and their children, all dressed in a sea of red, at the government's official Hari Raya open house at the PWTC in Kuala…

MCA reform: Real or imaginary?

By Ng Boon Hooi, The Nut GraphAFTER years of keeping silent on issues involving the rights of the Chinese community, the MCA leaders seem to have found their voices of late.

Of Outspokenness And Equal Treatment

"Dare to speak out" has all of a sudden become a fashionable buzzword in the country's politics, as if a politician will never become a good leader and win the hearts of the people…

Khalid Samad: Pulling Pas Mainstream

It is increasingly apparent that PAS, although being the smallest party in the Pakatan Rakyat, is assuming a place of moral and spiritual preeminence in the Opposition coalition. As a predominantly…

Insights from past transitions

OCT 3 - 1981 was indeed a long time ago but the power transition then, between Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn and his deputy Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, perhaps offers some insights into the minds of…

Group: We did not want to plead guilty

KUALA LUMPUR: A controversy has developed over legal advice by a court-appointed lawyer to 29 Hindraf supporters who pleaded guilty to participating in an illegal rally on Nov 25 last year.

Gerakan to discuss call for EGM

KUALA LUMPUR: The call for Gerakan to have an extraordinary meeting (EGM) over whether the party should stay with Barisan Nasional will be discussed within the party, Gerakan acting president Tan Sri…

Najib: Deal good for Maybank

KUALA LUMPUR: Maybank's decision to acquire a controlling stake in PT Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) was made before the global economic downturn, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said.

Maybank chiefs to come under scrutiny

JAKARTA, Oct 3 - Malayan Banking’s (Maybank) bosses can expect to come under scrutiny for completing its purchase of Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) despite securing a discount on the price…

Breach of M’sia Agreement: Yong

Kota Kinabalu: Placing the National Registration Department (NRD) under the State Government will be a long-term solution to the many problems affecting the people like Yong Lee Hua, said Sabah…