Kit Siang: Pak Lah is not a PM for all

PETALING JAYA, Oct 2 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s greatest failure in his tenure is his inability to be Prime Minister for all Malaysians, according to DAP…

Zahid Hamidi to run for Umno No. 2

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 2 - Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is going for broke. The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department is going to offer himself as a candidate for the Umno deputy president’s…

Najib calls for end to politicking

PUTRAJAYA, Oct 2 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called for an end to political squabbles in the country, urging the people to unite to face the global financial crisis that…

Paris, here we come!

How much, for an 8-min Unesco fame? Education Minister Hishammuddin Hussein leaves for Paris today for the executive board meeting of the UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, or

Semua manusia adik-beradik

KUALA LUMPUR (Hrkh) - Semua manusia seluruh dunia adalah "adik-beradik sebenarnya" tidak kira bangsa sama ada Arab, Melayu, Cina, India, Amerika atau Orang Asli kerana semua mereka adalah…


By Raja Aziz Addruse and Logan Sabapathy in Project MalaysiaIt is now beyond question that the Judiciary is in serious need of reform.At a dinner earlier this year, held shortly after the Royal…

Sinophobia smolders in Malaysia

By Hui Yew-Foong (Opinion Asia)SINGAPORE - As an ethnic minority in most of Southeast Asia, the Chinese have, from time to time, been subject to outbursts of anti-Chinese sentiments. The latest tirade…

Teresa Kok and the supremacist minority

Commentary by Wan Hamidi HamidOCT 2 - Teresa Kok must be wondering why some Malays are adamant in portraying her as the Chinese chauvinist, villain of peace and enemy of Islam. With her impeccable…

Protests at open house

ISA detainees' supporters demand their release at ministers' function By Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief KUALA LUMPUR: Politics crept into the festive Hari Raya open house of Umno…


By Dr. Kumar Devaraj It is painfully obvious that although we have been independent for over 50 years Malaysians remain deeply divided along ethnic lines. But can all our troubles be

On the Sri Maha Kaliamman shrine

We have seen and felt the anguish of those who were forced to defend their temples and even suraus in past years, usually due to a parcel of land being subjected to development. I have seen my…

Why Manikavasagam Considered Resignation?

There has been so much news lately about the temple demolition and intent of the Mp of Kapar thought of resigning from the Selangor PKR liaison deputy Chief Position. This posting should help clarify…


Malaysia has joined the ranks of China, Vietnam and Burma as a leading violator of online freedom. Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, also known as RPK, has been detained in Kuala Lumpur since 12 September…

Showing Us the Way

By: Yogeswaran Gopala Krishnan The racially oriented government is showing us the way on how we as Rakyat should actually behave.

Hindraf at PM’s open house

By Shannon TeohKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 - Some 300 Hindraf supporters attended the Cabinet open house today to ask Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi to release the Hindraf 5 and allow their…

PM to brief BN on transition plan

By Shannon TeohKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 - Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi said today that he will call a meeting "as soon as possible after Hari Raya" to speak to component…