Ku Li’s lonely push for democracy

OCT 1 - He was a lone voice when he began his ambitious journey to overhaul Umno in the days after Election 2008. And in all probability, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah will find himself a lonely man when…

Let us not forget

This Hari Raya, sixty four individuals will be prevented from spending time with families and loved ones the way they rest us of will. What stops them from doing this is not a term of imprisonment,…

Trying to be ‘heroes’

To build is difficult but to destroy is easy, and this is especially true not only when we are referring to physical things such as buildings but also to our nation.

It’s ripe for a review

Reflecting on the law, By SHAD SALEEM FARUQI at The StarThe various arguments raised for and against the ISA have merit. However, justice is not in legislation but in the fair and equal…

State exco divided over suspension

KLANG: The Selangor executive council is divided over the decision to suspend Ampang Jaya municipal council deputy president Hamid Hussain over the demolition of a temple.

Let’s have fresh elections

By Wong Chin Huat, The Nut GraphALL eyes are on Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's announcement after Hari Raya, but no one would be surprised if he declines nomination for the…

Najib’s premiership not guaranteed

By Jacqueline Ann Surin and N Shashi Kala, The Nut GraphAS the power struggle within Umno begins to intensify with month-long divisional meetings set to begin on 9 Oct 2008, all eyes are on party…

How much longer for Abdullah?

OCT 1 - The Business Monitor International views that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's fragile grip on power continues to slip further from his grasp as pressure continues to mount from…

KL uncertainty: Wait for Oct?

Situation may settle after Umno nominations, reopening of Parliament By Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief KUALA LUMPUR: The story of Malaysia mired in political uncertainty is old news, but the…

We Know What Dollah Does This Raya

The Defense Ministry is currently undergoing negotiations with Eurocopter Malaysia Sdn Bhd for its RMAF’s Nuri replacement programme. Defense Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that…

Peerless Patriot & Prince

By Martin Jalleh Umno’s “internal security” is being severely threatened. The Umno elite are scared stiff as their political survival is seriously at stake. Split into camps,

Hartal ISA at PWTC tomorrow

Folks, slight change of plans. - The People’s Parliament You will see from the schedule of open houses below, which was kindly prepared by Star Online, that the Raya open house

Raya in Kamunting…

Hari Raya Message From Kamunting I just read my husband's article on www. malaysia-today.net No Holds Barred and was extremely upset and it made my heart so heavy reading what


Author unknown Why MCA, after 51 years of independence your own race, is treated like second class citizen?