Politik Malaysia makin gawat

Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, HarakahBELUM pernah saya melihat suasana politik negara yang segawat ini. Pelan peralihan kuasa yang ditetapkan oleh Perdana Menteri dan pernah dipersetujui oleh timbalan dan…

Jui Meng : NEP has to end

Giam Say Khoon, The SunMCA presidential candidate Datuk Chua Jui Meng said today he will lobby for the New Economic Policy (NEP) to be ended if he is elected MCA president.

Koh: 60% want Gerakan to leave BN

By Maria J. Dass, The SunAlthough the sentiment among the grassroots for Gerakan to leave Barisan Nasional (BN) is prevalent because of incidents that took place over the last two months, the

Did our History teachers lie to us?

The new generation of Malaysians want a peaceful interpretation of history - one that will not continue to blame this or that group for this or that engineered and well-crafted conflicts seen as…

Happy Birthday

Happy 58th Birthday, Love Yesterday, 27th September, 2008 was Pet’s Birthday. My two daughters’ and I were allowed the schedule visit to see Pet at Kamunting, on his 58th birthday.…

FT Gerakan members defect to PKR

By ROYCE CHEAH, The StarPETALING JAYA: More than 20 Federal Territory Gerakan members have defected to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) with “more expected in the coming weeks.”

Jangan tahan keluarga Teresa di bawah ISA

Abdual Aziz Mustafa, Harakah Ketua Penerangan PAS, Haji Mahfuz Omar merayu kerajaan khususnya Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar agar tidak menahan keluarga Exco…

The “Bangsawan” Candidate

As the turmoil of Malaysian politics continues unabated, it seems quite likely that the leadership of Umno (and possibly the Premiership) will fall to the hands of Najib Razak. What can we expect

Malaysia’s Leadership A Trinket

The latest UMNO shenanigans effectively reduced the party's (and thus the country's) leadership to a Sunday market trinket, to be haggled between a desperate discredited seller trying


It is clear to many Malaysians that the country is not doing well these days. Inflation is climbing, business is slowing, foreign investors are said to be looking elsewhere. The in-country

Will UPKO do a ‘SAPP’?

When Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee announced the party’s decision to leave the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition on Sept 17, it did not surprise many people as it…

Clear Skies Forecasted For Aidilfitri

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 28 (Bernama) -- Muslims can expect fine weather during the Aidilfitri festive period as clear skies have been forecasted for most areas including Sabah and Sarawak.

Clock is ticking for Anwar and Umno

By Wan Hamidi HamidSEPT 28 - For the first time in many decades, Umno members are now free to nominate anyone they want for the party presidency. There is so far neither a no-contest rule nor a…