Anwar’s Troubles Grow

Written by Jed Yoong Despite public promises of a political takeover, Anwar Ibrahim is still but a voice in the opposition wilderness

Learning to keep to a deadline

WHY NOT? By RASLAN SHARIF In the last two weeks, we have had earth-shaking events that threaten to alter the Malaysian political landscape. It’s time to put up or shut up.

New meeting on handover

Emergency session may be asked to endorse June 2009 as new quit deadline for PM KUALA LUMPUR - UMNO'S Supreme Council will meet in an emergency session today - for the second time in a week…

Umno panel tries to strike a compromise

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 26 - Speculation is mounting that a proposed deal hammered out by the management committee of the dominant United Malays National Organisation (Umno) on Wednesday night could see…

Khairy also claims sabotage

KOTA BAHARU, Sept 25 - Umno Youth vice-chief Khairy Jamaluddin has claimed being sabotaged by certain quarters who prevented party members from meeting him.

The Government is merely a Servant

Does the government have the prerogative to decide what is right and wrong for the society? Shouldn't we, the people i.e. People Power, decide what is just and patriotic and it is the…

‘Free RPK’ petition

Helen Ang: I have a confession to make. I did not sign the recent 'Save the Judiciary (2)' petition drafted by Haris Ibrahim. Put my reluctance down to petition fatigue, and suspecting…

Malaysia: Changing the Climate of Fear

The extension of Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s period of detention to two years is another example of the nefarious uses of Malaysia’s Internal Security Act, says Daniel Chandranayagam. But the…

No escape from this Malaysian Alcatraz

A Singaporean's insight to the Kamunting detention camp, A blog in 25 - In May 2004, I was among a group of some 30 journalists allowed into the dreaded Kamunting detention…

No Place For Liberals

Some of my friends are liberals and they do not like to be bound by any system. They have their own views on many issues and they always come out with different opinions. They are either very popular…

Just too much ado over race

Along the Watchtower by M.VEERA PANDIYAN, The StarShow seriousness in punishing racists instead of wasting time drawing up new laws to safeguard race relations.

An inconvenient truth

By Wong Chin Huat, The Nut GraphMINISTER of international trade and industry Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin says Umno needs to reform or it, and by extension the Barisan Nasional (BN), may perish by…

FACE TO FACE: Edmund Bon

Malaysians are now paying the price for what Tun Mahathir did to this country but not surprisingly, he appears to be quite forgetful these days. He only remembers the good times under his regime.

ISA, senjata hilang bisa….

Bagi sesetangah pihak (Umno dan pencabul hak asasi manusia), apabila Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) dihantar ke Kem Kamunting, “Gerakan Gerillawan Siber” dapat dibunuh dan selepas ini…

Race Relations Act – why now?

We are proposing this act at a time when we arrest our citizens for no good reason and no trial, using the instrument of oppression no longer suitable for an ultra and hyper-modern society such as…

Teresa Kok challenges Utusan to sue her

SHAH ALAM (Sept 24, 2008): "Bring it on!" was the response of Selangor executive councilor for investment, trade and industry Teresa Kok when asked about the call by certain non-governmental…