The gridlock

Last Thursday evening, there was a horrendous gridlock in the city. The public holiday in Selangor and the rain had resulted in the usual mass of snarling and resentful drivers.

A serious case of mental block

You can drag a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink, they say. Well, we not only need to drag the Malays to water, we also need to force their heads into the water and make them…

Heading towards first class

He says the whip system in Malaysia is often misunderstood and abused, hence BN MPs have ended up being submissive instead of alert against any government misdeed or incompetence.By Elizabeth Looi,…

The net to arrest corruption widens

Whether it is duit kopi or commissions and brokerage fees, graft has thrived for too long. The corrupt must be reeled in and made to pay the price.ALONG THE WATCHTOWER WITH M.VEERA PANDIYAN. THE STAR…

No sign of US recovery

A KEY forward-looking economic index suggests no quick recovery for the recession-hit US economy, a business research group said on Thursday.

France falling into recession

FRANCE will fall into recession next year for the first time since 1993 and faces a steep rise in unemployment, the state statistics agency said on Friday in its official economic forecast.

Oil prices drop 9%

US CRUDE prices dropped more than 9 per cent to $36 (S$51.82) a barrel on Thursday as slumping demand and swelling US inventories offset Opec's record supply cut agreement.

Pak Lah will not stay on as PM

By Leslie Lau, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today dismissed rumours he would be staying on as prime minister after March.

Proton Says No Summons From Goldstar

(Bernama) Proton Holdings Bhd has not been served with any summons by the Chinese joint venture (JV) partner, Goldstar Heavy Industrial Co Ltd, and therefore was not aware of the basis of the…

The Truth Behind Statistics

If we believe that data speaks for itself, then could we say that it shows that the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English policy is a crushing failure not only in SJKC, but as well in SK? By…