The time is now

By Steve OhI do not think it helps Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim or incumbent Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and more importantly the country for there to be a political stalemate, for…

Putting our house in order

By Andrew Khoo, The Nut GraphLET’S say Malaysia is like a traditional kampung house. Raised above the ground and built on four stilts, one in each corner. Let’s say each of the four stilts…

One deadline too many for Anwar

By Khairil Anhar and N Shashi Kala, The Nut GraphHAVING watched one self-set deadline — 16 Sept 2008 or ‘916’ as DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang likes to call it — pass with a…

Remembering 16 September 1963

The 16 September came and went and this year it would be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Most eyes and ears were waiting for news of a government take over by the opposition coalition lead by…

Momentum on the side of Pakatan Rakyat

SEPT 19 — September 16 has come and gone, with no change of government yet. The temptation to be disappointed in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim if you're a Pakatan Rakyat fan, or to denounce…

Abdullah may not seek re-election

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 — There is a possibility that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi may not seek re-election at the December polls of Umno — of which he is president…

DPM delays Mid-East trip amid uncertainty

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak abruptly scrapped a trip to the Middle East today amid deepening political uncertainty sparked by opposition leader Datuk…

GUAN ENG: Anwar a threat only to BN

(NST) GEORGE TOWN: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said yesterday Malaysians generally did not think that Pakatan Raykat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was a threat to the nation.

NIK AZIZ: ISA is wrong in Islam

(NST) KOTA BARU: Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat said yesterday he hoped that Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser Da-tuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would not be detained under the Internal Security Act.

Anwar wants debate

PM dismisses his request to hold emergency parliamentary session By Leslie Lopez, The Straits Times

Malay rights

The Malays are 'technically' in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own

This is only the beginning

Compared to the long road ahead and the obstacles that are bound to be put up in the face of reform, winning power and taking over the government will seem a relatively easy task, observes

Bee En Downfall Parody

I did a “bad” thing. I made a parody of Bodohwi. I spent a few hours last nite doing the subtitles for this video. After that, it was all uploaded to Youtube. It parodies Hitler’s…


The poor deluded incumbent PM and his pink-lipped deputy just don't get it, do they? We the people cannot take much more of their political hogwash. Their audacious rapacity and their capacity to…

What it takes to be a Malaysian ?

I posted this in my blog in May 2006. I am posting this again, dedicating this post to all the misguided racists in Malaysia with good intention. May the almighty bless these people with the

The Dare

What would you do if you were presented with an opportunity to prove that what you have been shouting and ranting about is true? What would do if presented with the opportunity to expose the lies of…

Rosmah: My Conscience Is Clear

Wife of deputy prime minister Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor said, the Altantuya Shaariibuu case should not become a stumbling block for the political career of her husband Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. She…