Kenyataan Media Anwar Ibrahim 18 September

PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA, 18 SEPTEMBER 2008 Hari ini pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat telah menyerahkan surat kepada Perdana Menteri meminta beliau untuk mengadakan satu persidangan khas Parlimen Malaysia

Anwar’s options

By Leslie Lau and Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider There are many roads that can lead to power for the Pakatan Rakyat alliance if opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim indeed has the support…

Guan Eng dares BN Chinese leaders to quit

By Athi Veeranggan, Malaysiakini MCA and Gerakan leaders should practice what they preach and resign from their ministerial posts to protest the Internal Security Act and its abuse by the Barisan…

24-hour remand for blogger Kickdefella

By IAN MCINTYRE, The StarKOTA BARU: Police on Thursday obtained a 24-hour remand order for blogger Syed Azidi Syed Aziz, better known as Sheih Kickdefella, who is under investigation for posting…

Anwar wants Parliament to meet by Sept 23

(The Star) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim claims he sent a letter to the Prime Minister on Thursday requesting him to call an emergency Parliament session no later that Sept 23 to deliberate on a vote of…

STOP FIGHTING, let’s celebrate …

Our politicians have been giving us the wrong interpretation of what language, culture, and human liberation actually means. Even our most progressive educators have fallen prey to these shackling…

The REAL story of May 13 (part 2)

They say those who forget history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. In light of the recent sabre-rattling by those in Umno and the warning by the Armed Forces Chief, Malaysia Today feels compelled to…

Are you on this list?

Open up. I’ve got news for you’, shrieked lil hummingbird outside. ‘Go away. People don’t believe you after your ‘RPK on hunger strike’ false alarm’, I

Pak Lah’s economic reckoning

WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIAOpposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced this week that he has enough parliamentary support to unseat the current government, led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri…

Abdullah keeps mum over fuel price

(NST) PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi refused to give hints of further reduction in fuel prices, saying the government would be paying less in subsidy if the world crude oil prices…

Time’s up or just a delay?

THE STRAITS TIMESOn Tuesday, opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim needed 31 defectors from the Barisan Nasional to topple Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's government.