Oleh : Rima Maskuri SEMASA berkempen bagi calon Barisan Nasional di Pilihanraya Kecil Permatang Pauh bulan lalu Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak tanpa dipaksa…

Anwar Plans Rally

KUALA LUMPUR (ST) - MALAYSIAN opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's party on Sunday announced a mass rally against a government crackdown which he says is aimed at preventing him from seizing power…

HACKS dan Hamid Albar

Dari segi moralitinya - Apakah bezanya tindakan Hamid Albar menangkap rakyat yang tidak bersalah dengan menggunakan akta ISA YANG KEJAM berbanding dengan tindakan kerajaan Parti Komunis Cina yang…

Secession Is Out

Kota Kinabalu (Daily Express): There is no question of secession from Malaysia as the States cannot withdraw from the Federation. Prof. Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi from the Faculty of Law, Universiti…

‘Not our cross to take over’

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider Before leaving to Taiwan to catch up with the Barisan Nasional backbenchers on Friday, Parti Keadilan Rakyat information chief Tian Chua replied directly

Family will get to meet Teresa Kok

By Zulkifly Mohamad, The StarBUKIT MERTAJAM: Police will allow family members of Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA), to visit her at an undisclosed location on…

Enough Is Enough

Dear Readers, I just like to thank the hundreds of support given to me and my family on the arrest under the draconian ISA law of Raja Petra Kamarudin or better known to you as RPK. Me…

YB, You’ve Missed Out The Best

By CHEN HUIJIAO, Sin Chew DailyThe itineraries of the 49 BN backbenchers on a study trip to Taiwan have been closely pursued by the Taiwanese media. From travel agency employees to the MPs, everyone…

Malaysian Seeks End to Decades of Firm Rule

By Thomas Fuller, The New York TimesBy the most obvious yardstick, this country of 25 million people is a democracy: Malaysia has held regular elections since independence from Britain five decades…