Sensitive issues being raised on the platform of free speech, says prime minister TASEK GELUGOR: The prime minister yesterday called on everyone to put a lid on issues which will affect racial harmony

Leaders upset with Dr M

PETALING JAYA: Several political party leaders are upset over a statement by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who questioned why Malay leaders were apologising over a remark by an Umno leader that was deemed…

The view from the centre

A. Asohan, Stray Thoughts When a politician (or blogger) says what you want to hear, it’s the truth. When he doesn’t, it’s a damned lie. When the mainstream media misses a…

An overdose of stale tactics

Zainah Anwar, Sharing the Nation We are 51 years old and we still do not know how to disagree rationally, civilly, and intelligently. Why fly the flag of ethnicity and religion, questioning…

Give Ahmad Ismail A Break, Will You?

I think we should leave Ahmad Ismail and his merry men to do what it is they do best; reinforce the choices voters made on March 8th when they decided to hand over Penang to the Pakatan Rakyat.

Pak Lah: Ahmad is not a racist

By Adib ZalkapliTASEK GELUGOR, Sept 6 – Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi declared today that Datuk Ahmad Ismail, the Bukit Bendera division chief, is not a racist.

Politicians Causing The Racial Divide

The racial divide caused over the past two decades has serious implications to the nation as a whole.While politicians preach about muhibbah, they are the main culprits of racial polarisation, which…

More storms a-brewing for RPK

A new legal wrangle might join the criminal defamation charges and defamation law suits sitting on the doorstep of Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK). Newspapers reported recently that…

Ahmad: Tsu Koon A “Great Liar”

PENANG: UMNO Bukit Bendera divisional chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail said he absolutely believed that if Gerakan Rakyat, which had been discarded by the voters of Penang, chose to leave BN, MCA would…

Reporters: He Said It

BUTTERWORTH: Two other reporters covering the event in which UMNO Bukit Bendera divisional chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail made the pendatng remarks during the Permatang Pauh by-election, said they…

No harm in saying sorry: Nazri

PUTRAJAYA: There is nothing wrong with Umno leaders apologising on behalf of members who had hurt the feelings of the minority races, as the Malays were the "big brother" in the country,…