In enemy ground, Khairy tries rebranding

Khairy has been trying to persuade Malaysians and party members that he is a politician of substance; someone who cares not only about Malays but Malaysians; someone who has the common touch as well…

Sussing out voter sentiment

<!-- Printer Friendly Format --> "Debate over 'ketuanan Melayu' is currently more a west-coast phenomenon. The concept doesn't cause much alarm here because the Chinese…

Zaid Ibrahim: A Man without a Party

My cabinet colleagues and I gave a solemn promise to Parliament and the nation that the immense powers given to the government under the ISA would never be used to stifle legitimate opposition and…

Sarawak’s renewed political hopes

<!-- Printer Friendly Format --> Illustration of Dayak people, dated 1864 (Public domain; source: The grand finale should culminate in Kuching on 19 Dec, where 8,000

Mindless in Malaysia

It is disheartening to note that while world leaders from Gordon Brown to Barack Obama are consumed with the evolving global economic crisis – the worse since the Great Depression –…

My goodness! 99pc of rumours are true?

Is it any wonder that sites like Malaysia Today are so popular? If there is media freedom and rule of law in Malaysia, I don't think MT or other news sites would be so popular. In fact if I am…

Lure of sexual freedom funds sect

(The Star) DAILY prayers are optional, adultery is allowed, men are prohibited from wearing the skull cap while women don’t have to wear the headscarf – these are the special privileges…

Of rights, royalty and language

Mohd Ayop said that for 50 years after independence, ketuanan Melayu was not questioned but suddenly it was being criticised by non-Malay leaders including Umno's political allies.Translation by…