Chinese schools in the crosshairs

(Asia One) - MALAYSIA doesn't always look to Singapore for answers, but the Republic's experience in dealing with Chinese educationists is starting to draw more than just casual interest in…

Setiausaha Hadi dituduh subversif

(Malaysiakini) - Setiausaha presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berdepan dengan tuduhan liar di internet apabila didakwa memainkan "peranan subversif" untuk menyingkirkan "kumpulan…

New steps on autos mulled

Earlier, a bipartisan group of senators tentatively agreed on Thursday night on an emergency $14 billion bailout for US automakers, the Senate's top Democrat said.

Reform Bills criticised

By Carolyn Hong, The Straits Times BARELY a day after Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi unveiled his judicial and anti-corruption reforms, criticism has poured in…

Pot Calling the Kettle Opportunist

I imagine the effect of speeches by PAS supremos like Nik Aziz, Abdul Hadi and others must be wholly hypnotising on their followers because after a speech like Abdul Hadi gave this week where he…

Interfaith Dialogue on Poverty

Pleased to informed that Klang MP Charles Santiago will hold an ‘Interfaith Dialogue on Poverty’ to highlight the issue of poverty and civil society’s effort to deal with it and…


The Ultimate And Final Bet By Obama’s Financial Handlers - The $8.5 Trillion ChipA few weeks ago, I warned in my website that the Dow would dive below 7,000 at the earliest by end of December…