PKR’s plan for the monarch

It does not mean absolute or total immunity from prosecution, he noted, but that any case to be brought against the king must first involve his removal as the head of state so that he is not tried in…

PKR’s questionable fix

Sivarasa explains that these proposals are meant to return a check-and-balance role to the monarchy. But PKR's call for the Agong to have the power to reject bills at least once is largely…

JAC Bill a let-down

Former Court of Appeal judge Datuk Shaikh Daud Shaikh Ismail told The Nut Graph the bill does not make judiciary appointments more transparent. By Elizabeth Looi, The Nut Graph

Membaca motif Abdullah

Apakah andaian dan gossip atau teori ini benar? Sekiranya ianya benar ini bermakna peralihan kuasa yang dirancangkan pada Mac ini tidak akan menjadi kenyataan. ANTARA KITAOleh MOHD SAYUTI OMAR

Damned either way, reforms appease no one

DEC 11 - The thing about reforms is, it appeases no one.And one is damned for doing it or not doing it at all, depending on the perspective of the critics. With that in mind and a diminished political…

MACC and JAC Bills

Both fall far short of expectations and promise of anti-corruption and judicial reformsThe Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) personally presented…

A Streetcar Named Abdullah

Just imagine. You have been bombarded with this movie trailers for months on end. In it you saw the hero running away from some really massive guys brandishing uzis and hand grenades until he came…

MIC’s Pathetic Drivel

Recently the MIC propaganda machine apparently tried to set the record straight about its so-called re-branding exercise. Evidently, this setting straight of the record by the ‘MIC…

Lost dream in agriculture

There is much deep-seated, feverish concerns about the global economic outlook. Much speculation is already rife on the future of the US economy and its Dollar. While optimists dismiss any prospect of…

Who’s Fault Is It?

It was reported on the Star papers (8th December 2008) that “residents want an end to hillside developments”. Well said, and I commiserate with the victims of the recent landslide at Bukit…


DARI JELEBUHishamuddin RaisHari ini kita terus membaca dan diberitahu bahawa dunia kapitalis sedang dilanggar krisis yang maha besar. Krisis ekonomi yang sebesar ini belum pernah dialami oleh dunia…

Shaping Policy

I have said elsewhere that decisions of the Federal Court do not only determine the issues in the particular case the court decides on. Being the apex court and empowered to only hear appeals that…

The real meaning of sacrifice

Is Najib prepared to sacrifice power and position? Is he prepared to give up his post as Deputy Prime Minister and reject the post of Prime Minister that he is expected to take in March 2009? That is…