Children without childhood

By Stan Yee, Kota Kinabalu If we can turn our attention away from politics for a moment, there is a lot for us to worry about elsewhere. The state of our education, for instance.


TAN Sri M.G. Pandithan is no stranger to real life dramaBARADAN KUPPUSAMY The man, who brought a coffin to the MIC headquarters in 1989 to dramatise his expulsion from the MIC, now lies dying in Kuala…

Saving PM Abdullah

Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi is moving at the speed of light to save himself by introducing radical reforms never seen before under the UMNO led coalition.

Reforming Malaysia

Wall Street Journal Asia Malaysia's economy has long been open to competition, but its political system has not. Last month's opposition-party electoral victories changed all that. Now,…

Is DAP showing its true colours?

Aiyah, bilalah orang DAP nak buang otak Cina dan tukar kepada otak Malaysia? Patutlah orang Umno suruh orang DAP balek Cina. Aku dah lama nak masuk DAP tapi meluat tengok perangai Chinese Chauvinist…

Kemana perginya RM150 juta?

Khairy Jamaludin sangat berbeza. Dia tidak bertanding untuk kerusi Timbalan Ketua Pemuda UMNO. Kerusi tersebut diserahkan kepadanya apabila ramai dikalangan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian dinasihatkan untuk…

Some 9MP projects to be downsized

(The Sun) - The Works Ministry will review and re-prioritise projects under the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP), including downsizing some, to heed the prime minister's call to stabilise oil and food…