You Sabotage Us, We Ban You

The widespread coverage given by Malaysia's Tamil language newspaper Makkal Osai to the Opposition parties is probably they got banned by Home Ministry today, says Malaysiakini.

The Belated Justice

Finally, it came after we had waited for 20 years! Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced a Judicial Appointments Commission to make the process of nominating, appointing and…

Let us get one thing very clear

Barisan Nasional did not lose these five states. Pakatan Rakyat did not win these five states. It was the people who decided that they wanted to get back control of these fives states.NO HOLDS…

Ruling the Rulers

In the first of a two-part series, Wide Angle columnist Huzir Sulaiman looks at the challenges faced by our Sultans throughout history.WIDE ANGLEBy HUZIR SULAIMAN

The Mahathir years

In the second segment of Ruling the Rulers, an analysis of the challenges faced by the Malay Rulers over the years, Wide Angle examines the post-Merdeka period.WIDE ANGLEBy HUZIR SULAIMAN

Disebalik peralihan kuasa

MUNGKINKAH NAJIB TERJERATPersoalannya apakah Najib mahu terus berdiam diri untuk menjadikan rakyat percaya dengan tuduhan tersebut? Mampukah Najib bersikap membatu apabila dakwaan sebegitu serious…

From lawbreaker to lawmaker

When we started adapting to the conditions, the authorities asserted the fact that we were completely powerless. One day we decided to plant vegetables. As the plants were growing, they destroyed the…

Bila nak berubah?

Pabila Anwar mai Masjid Bayan BaruOrang ramai datang berpusu-pusuPenganjur jemput juga Cina dan HinduMasuk masjid kita sebagai tetamu

Permit for PKR paper approved

(The Star) - Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar is promising more press freedom and one of his first acts was to approve the publishing permit for the Parti Keadilan Rakyat newspaper.