Abdul Halim Mohd Rashid KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Apr (Hrkh) - Ketua Penerangan PAS, Haji Mahfuz Omar mengucapkan terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada Menteri Pelancongan, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said kerana…
Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad hari ini berkata “Kepimpinan hanya suka mendengar apa yang dia suka dengar “dan “Kepimpinan yang tak mahu dengar cerita yang tak sedap…
The Malaysian Insider Pulls no punches against Dr M, Ku Li...Examines BN's stunning election losses...Vows punishment for 'traitors'Mood sober when Umno info chief Mat Taib takes…
(The Malaysian Insider) - Since Barisan Nasional and Umno's disastrous performance in Election 2008, former prime minister and Umno president Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been taking his grouses…
(Harakah) - WALAUPUN saya antara pelajar yang kurang senang dengan Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah waktu itu, tetapi saya tidak dapat membungkus rasa kagum penyampaiannya serta keletah bicaranya di…
(Harakah) - Ahli Parlimen Parit Buntar, Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa yakin pertukaran kerajaan daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) kepada Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pasti berlaku dalam masa terdekat memandangkan…
Pilihan raya boleh diadakan hanya melalui tiga opsyen, iaitu jika Parlimen dibubarkan, anggota Parlimen meletak jawatan (sama ada hilang kelayakan atau tidak berminat menjadi wakil rakyat) dan…
It is no point in screaming that the powers-that-be does not respect and tolerate freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of association, when we are no better. We are able to see all…
INSIGHT By JOCELINE TAN, THE STARThe Umno ground is restless and in the absence of a strong rallying force from within the party, more party members may be drawn to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's call…
This was what Syed Jaymal Zahiid wrote in Malaysiakini on 8 January 2008. That was exactly two months before the 12th General Election. What has the Minister concerned, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, done…
An historic event occurred in Jerusalem this January, an event chronicled widely in Israel's newspapers but omitted entirely by America's Zionist controlled and owned press.
Perang politik yang sedang melanda tanahair hari ini saya anggap tidak lain dan tidak bukan daripada dulu lagi ialah pertembungan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
(Malaysiakini) - Penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bercadang ke Sabah dan Sarawak, tidak lama selepas lawatan perdana menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, menguatkan lagi spekulasi awal…
Written by Fathi Aris Omar (malaysiakini) Pakatan Rakyat, nama yang dicadangkan untuk gabungan tiga parti pembangkang, wajar belajar punca keretakan Barisan Alternatif (BA), kata…
When Pak Lah comes a calling on Monday, many want to know what extra goodies he will present to Sabah for giving him the 24 Parliamentary seats in the just concluded elections.
If Dr Mahathir now believes that he had in the event made a wrong choice and Abdullah has not been dancing to his former master's discordant music, it merely confirms that Dr Mahathir is a bad…
In this respect, the Selangor government's decision to waive quit rent and assessment rates for all registered places of worship and schools in the state is laudable. They now only need to…
(New Straits Times) - Ten years after slamming Malaysia's policy measures in dealing with the Asian financial crisis, "the under-siege United States is learning a lesson from us", said…
(New Straits Times) - Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi wants former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed to stop making comments that threatened Umno.
(New Straits Times) - Pahang Umno liaison secretary Datuk Ahmad Tajuddin Sulaiman said he would not change his stand that all supreme council members should resign for the party's poor…
Unless the party reforms and regains its appeal among the Malays - especially those in urban areas who swung most obviously towards the opposition - analysts believe that Umno could even lose…
My piece Antara Dua KJ, http://thoughtsintangents.blogspot.com/2008/04/antara-dua-kj.html, seems to have engendered quite a lot of interest, but not of the sort I expected... ah the wonders of…
The political system has become very corrupt; the crime rate has increased and environmental degradation has continued. Political dynasties proliferate. Few families are controlling the…
Mr.P.Uthayakumar had this message to convey to all HINDRAF supporters on the 100th day of ISA arrest and detention. The message was relayed to a close family member and I had prepared his message in a…
The recent electoral humiliation of Barisan Nasional would not have been possible if not for the Internet, an accoutrement of globalisation. Globalisation is liberating. We should not…
(Malaysia Sun) - Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has sought the resignation of his successor and incumbent Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.