Khairy Going To Lari

By Little BirdShabery Chik, who may one day become Prime Minister, but is now Minister of Information, says that Bloggers will be invited to a half hour talk show once a week on RTM1.

BN’s Three Major Tests

We can easily have some comparisons: 1. The dissidents in Umno organise an assembly. Egged on by Mahathir, they focus their condemnation on Umno’s supreme council.

Mountain Top view

By Albert Chew aka CariJalanIn 2005 when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the man who was called 'God's Rottweiler' (probably because he was a firm defender of the church's doctrine and…

Perutusan Hari Keadilan

4hb April merupakan hari ulangtahun penubuhan Parti Keadilan Nasional yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1999. Meskipun sudah hampir satu dekad namun sejarah penubuhannya masih segar dalam ingatan;…

Time to speak up for Sabah

“Sabah leaders should know what Sabahans want, and how to articulate these wants clearly and forcefully. What we do not want to hear is another of those all-too-familiar statements about leaving…

Antara Dua KJ

Kini mereka juga bersatu dalam suatu misi, iaitu pemusnahan UMNO demi menaikan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri boneka Yahudi pertama Malaysia.