Headhunting in East Malaysia?

Many people in this country regard the new political development with excitement. For 50 years the political landscape has hardly changed or come under any threat of change, save the disturbances of…

Ke mana MP-MP Sarawak menghilang?

ADA sesiapa lapang? Boleh tolong semak jadual penerbangan MAS ke Australia dua hari terakhir ini? Dengar kata hampir separuh Ahli Parlimen Sarawak di bawa ke negeri Kanggaru untuk 'berehat'…

Body Formed To Unite Malays

KUALA LUMPUR, March 20 (Bernama) -- A group of 25 Malay non-governmental organisations (NGOs) Thursday set up a Malay unity action body to help unite Malays regardless of political ideology to…

Riot resigning from SUPP?

By Samuel Aubrey and Churchill Edward Official confirmation not forthcoming but Dr Chan says no quit letter from MP and brushes aside news as mere rumourKUCHING: Serian MP Datuk Richard Riot Jaem…

Penang soaking up the changes

COMMENTBy WONG CHUN WAI The euphoria of a triumphant win in Penang is fizzling out and the daunting task of running the state is setting in. For Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, one thing is certain…

Abdullah kecewa Rafidah tidak undur

(Harakah) - Perdana Menteri yang dituntut berundur, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dikatakan sangat kecewa dengan keputusan Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz yang enggan meletakkan jawatan sebagai Ketua…

Selangor exco will not have Deputy MB post

By LOONG MENG YEE PETALING JAYA: There will be no Deputy Selangor Mentri Besar post under a revised executive council (exco) distribution formula that will see DAP’s allocation reduced from four…