Sexism in politics

By Marina Mahathir, The Nut Graph IN October, I had posted on my blog my thoughts on Datuk Chamil Wariya's despicable short story based on a character very similar to DAP Member of Parliament…

Fatwas shouldn’t be law

By Sisters in Islam (The Nut Graph)SISTERS in Islam calls on the government to review the fatwa as an instrument of mandatory and binding rule-making in Malaysia. Our call is made on the grounds that…

PKR’s politics

By Elizabeth Looi and Ng Boon Hooi (The Nut Graph)<!-- Printer Friendly Format -->THE results of the 8 March 2008 general election suggested that voters are not completely besotted with…

Pakatan moves toward formal coalition

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR - Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will soon announce its official charter, setting out the tenets for alliance to become a formal political coalition and…

Nik Aziz: Pakatan young and immature

KOTA BARU (Bernama) - PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat described the Pakatan Rakyat as immature and still in its infancy in handling conflicts and differences of opinions between PAS,…

Maika should be liquidated, says CEO

KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama), Nov 26 — Maika Holdings Bhd, in its existing structure, will continue to be a punching bag for aspiring politicians to make political gains, according to its chief…

No ban on alcohol sale, says Selangor MB

By DHARMENDER SINGH (The Star) SHAH ALAM: The controversy over Selangor PAS’ proposal to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages at sundry shops and convenience stores in the state has ended with an…

Pak Lah says yoga is ok for Muslims

(The Malaysian Insider) Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today urged all quarters to understand the content of the yoga fatwa issued by the National Fatwa Council and not twist facts…

UMNO Menuju Kehancuran

UMNO sedang menuju kehancuran Hancur kerana kelabu dengan habuan Baik ahli biasa atau ketua bahagian Yang pakai songkok atau yang berserban Yang pergi umrah tiap-tiap Ramadan Semua beres kalau ada…