Yellow card for the opposition

The market perception is that PKR can't be trusted. The common belief is that the people in PKR can be bought. But it appears like PAS and DAP are bigger slime-balls than PKR. At least PKR did…

PAS umumkan 4 perkara penting

(SiasahDaily) - Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang mengumumkan empat perkara penting yang menjadi isu sekarang dalam sidang medianya selepas mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat semalam.

Pak Lah Halalkan Perzinaan?

Oleh 'Deep Throat' SabahTindakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi merestui Menteri Besar Perlis, Dato' Seri Shahidan Kassim bertanding dalam pilihanraya umum ke 12…

Still Blind to Reality!

Indeed, the infighting has already begun. It starts out small, naturally enough, in the tiny state of Perlis where there is now an ugly tussle for the chief minister’s post. Soon the crisis will…

The Malay Votes DAP!

Can you imagine, Malays who for a life time being told that their enemy comes in the shape of the red Rocket, putting an "X" against the Rocket? It must have been the hardest thing to do for…

Non-Malays make it to the top

FOR the first time, non-Malays have made it to the top power structure in Malay-dominated states, although the ruler of Selangor has expressed reservations about the development.

Ong: Perak voters cheated

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP has cheated its voters as a PAS state assemblyman will be sworn in as the Perak mentri besar today, Perak MCA chief Datuk Ong Ka Chuan said.