‘Expect 7 polls writs’

(DAILY EXPRESS NEWS)Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (Keadilan) is hoping by-elections would be held in at least four parliamentary and three state constituencies after it files election petitions…

Grace In Defeat

It was surprising to see a mess in the state secretary office of Selangor that was covered by shredded or torn documents and photos.

Between perception and reality

In spite of all the rhetoric, Barisan Nasional knows it lost the 2008 general election. The final result may show that it won, but if you exclude the one million 'stuffed votes', then this…

2008 GE: the telling statistics

CHARLIE CHANG Are we in for change? The overwhelming number of seats returned by the ruling coalition in Sabah in the just concluded election definitely does not carry this message unless the detail…

Yes Chandra, it’s been a disaster

Dear Chandra Muzaffar,It appears that these elections have been an unmitigated disaster for the Barisan Nasional. Hopefully it has nothing to do with your pronouncements regarding the bad blood…

Sultan to pick MB from 3 nominees

IPOH: The loose three-party coalition has submitted the names of three candidates -- one each from DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Pas -- to Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak for consideration for…

Kenapa Dolah takut berundur?

Ramai bertanya “gila apakah Dollah berdegil untuk tidak segera berundur setelah rakyat menolaknya? Jadah apa penyebab utama keengannya meninggalkan Seri Perdana sedangkan rakyat berterusan…

Battle lost in cyberspace

Net played pivotal role informing voters of political news and issuesPOWER OF THE WEB: The Internet has provided an alternative source of information to traditional media such as newspapers, many of…