DAP, Pas in booze sale row

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian InsiderCoalition partners DAP and PAS appeared locked in open dispute over the sale of alcohol in Selangor, in a row which is exposing the tussle between secular and…

Fatwahs galore

In time, these great Islamic empires became so corrupt that they eventually disappeared from the face of this earth. What we see in the Middle East today is the residual of the once great Islamic…

RTM to explain more on fatwa

(The Star) - RTM and the Information Department are ready to provide airtime for parties concerned to explain the recent fatwa (edicts) to the people, said Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery…

Rulers to have final say

(The Star) - It is up to the individual Ruler and religious bodies of each state to accept or reject the National Fatwa Council’s edict to ban Muslims from practising yoga.

Apakah Pas menuju pertarungan hebat?

Dengan apa yang berlaku di Selangor, orang sudah membuat andaian bahawa akan berlaku perpecahan dalam Pas. Ia adalah pertembungan antara kumpulan yang dinamakan Erdogan dengan kumpulan penyokong…

Race in Malaysia: A fine balance

Sixty years ago, what was seen as Malayan nationalism had, at its core, Malay nationalism. Wrapped around it were the aspirations of Chinese, Indians and other ethnic groups who had settled in the…

BN reforms unconvincing thus far

The need for government-level reform has been more readily acknowledged. Indeed, it is worth noting the announcements made recently in the attempt to shore up support for the BN government. By Tricia…

Worst still to come

Mr Obama ordered his team over the weekend to work on a programme to create or save 2.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. He would not put a figure on how large a stimulus package he wants from…

Apa dah jadi dengan PAS Selangor?

Ada desas desus mengatakan rombakan itu sebagai pembersihan mereka yang menyokong Anwar Ibrahim? Apakah tanggapan itu benar? Memang mereka ini dilihat rapat dan banyak memberi masa kepada Anwar…