Corrupting the Muslims?

(Sin Chew Daily) The National Fatwa Council recently issued a ban for Muslims to practise Yoga, arguing that yoga has taken its roots in Hinduism and its ultimate aim is to be one with god, and…

Anwar faces long trek

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - AFTER a botched bid to oust the government in September, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim will likely have to bide his time until elections in 2012-13 before…

Do We Have a Malay Proletariat?

Most of what I have written so far concerned “other places”. This time, I shall try to present my views of the situation in Malaysia. I do so with unease not only because the subject

Shahrir says Malaysians are greedy

KUALA LUMPUR (The Malaysian Insider), Nov 25 — Datuk Shahrir Samad, the minister who has faced the brunt of criticism over oil prices, courted even more controversy today when he suggested…

Gelora Umno Pahang cemar imej Najib

Ada pihak mendakwa, kepimpinan Adnan selaku Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Negeri, nyata tidak dapat mengawal kesemua ketua-ketua bahagian, hingga menyebabkan pencalonan bagi jawatan Timbalan…


DARI JELEBUHishamuddin Rais Ya ampuun Baginda Razak. Hamba menulis surat ini kepada tuan hamba agar ianya dapat dibaca oleh anak cucu cicit kita semua. Hendaknya apabila kita semua berada di alam baka…

Malaysia: The Plight of Penan

By Daniel Chandranayagam (Global Voices Online) - “It was around 4pm. Although the school is not far from the camp, the driver didn’t want to continue the journey. The boys and girls were…

Sultans flex their power

By Leslie Lau (The Malaysian Insider) NOV 25 — As disputes between the various communities in Malaysia grow, and amid the constant tug-of-war between conservatives, moderates and liberals over…

Arrested development

By Tony Pua (The Nut Graph) - WELL, it was just going to be a sooner-or-later thing. Getting arrested is kinda like a serious occupational hazard for a politician, elected or otherwise, who belongs in…

Transforming Umno

By N Shashi Kala (The Nut Graph) - IT has been more than two weeks since the close of nominations for Umno supreme council posts. Every post, except the presidency and the Wanita deputy chief…

Spending Like Nobody’s Business

By LIM SUE GOAN, Sin Chew DailyThe political atmosphere within the country has somewhat been toned down of late, not so much because the nation is waiting eagerly for the new prime minister to take…

Striking A Pose

THE recent ruling by the National Fatwa Council on yoga has resulted in a range of responses, from dismay to unqualified and devoted acceptance. I must admit to bewilderment in part because of all the…