Ketuanan Melayu rebutted

According to PSM's Nasir, the implementation of the NEP which focused on one race soon gave currency to the ketuanan Melayu rhetoric. But he says ketuanan Melayu is just a red herring. "Name…

Top two rooting for Shahrizat

“What goes around comes around. Rafidah said that the PM should understand the sentiment on the ground and not stick to the transition plan. Guess what? A considerable number of members in her…

Beyond reproach

Therefore, let us here set aside any questioning of these latest fatwa, and consider instead their effect. They drive a wedge deeper between this country's Muslims and non-Muslims, at a time when…

Separating KJ from Khairy

The Umno Youth deputy chief wants to clear misconceptions stemming from ‘KJ the caricature, the larger than life image’ and has gone down to the grassroots to prove his mettle in…

Nine held at anti-ISA rally

(NST) KUALA LUMPUR: Police arrested nine men, who were among 180 supporters at the launch of an anti-Internal Security Act rally last night.

Proposal to make scandal-plagued reps quit

By Wani Muthiah, The StarSHAH ALAM: All PKR elected representatives will be asked to sign agreements to tender their resignations in the event they become embroiled in sex or corruption scandals.

Malay, Muslim NGOs lodge police reports

By Zulkifli Abd Rahman, The StarKUALA LUMPUR: Representatives from an umbrella body of Malay and Muslim non-governmental organisations lodged five police reports Sunday over several issues which they…

Yoga banned for Muslims in Singapore?

MC emailed a link to Singapore Straits Times rebutting the claim by the chairman of the National Fatwa Council Datuk Dr. Abdul Shukor Husin when announcing a ban on yoga for Muslims that

The Rise of the Bus Conductor

“Oi! Ticket! Oi! Ticket!” shouted one harried bus conductor as he ambles along the aisle leading to the rear of the vehicle. It is akin to hearing the misled members of MCA shouting…

The beauty of Islam, tarnished

The respected Menteri Besar of Kelantan and Spiritual Leader of PAS visited Semenyih recently (Saturday, November 22, 2008) and delivered an hour long message that was intently listened to by the…

Sarawak For Sarawakians

First of all, Sarawak headhunter wishes to make it clear that he is only anti-BN Malayans and not Malayans in general. All references to Malayans" here and in his other postings should therefore…

DicktionUMNOry (Part 1)

Please ignore and stop reading the moment you feel offended. This spoof-dictionary does not apply to every known members of the respected political party. It also does not apply to the any respected…