Najib can’t solve it, says Mahathir

(Daily Express) - Curtailing corruption and money politics in Umno will be a difficult task even with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak becoming the Prime Minister and Umno President in March, said Tun Dr…

Decision on Sabah PKR leadership

(Daily Express) - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said it would decide at the end of the month whether to appoint a new State committee or retain the existing one.

SAPP not joining PKR but …

(Sabah Times) - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has maintained its stand not to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) but said it is seeking constructive and innovative relation with the national opposition…

Eye Spy

By The Man (with the Video Cam)For years, I have been looking and observing people from the eye of my camera. Each individual has a story to tell from what is in their minds projecting on their faces.…

Fatwa on tomboys is regressive

And how do the authorities define manly behaviour? Not gentle and demure enough? Talking too loudly? Who would and how could one define and determine whether a woman is a tomboy or a lesbian? The Nut…

Malaysia isn’t Medina

A little learning is a dangerous thing;Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,And drinking largely sobers us again.By Aloysious Mowe, The Nut Graph

Fatwa on yoga

I am shocked, aghast and dismayed at the fatwa on Yoga and the dressing of not so feminine clothes. What will they think of next?

Call Him Allah but never call Him Aum!

Superficiality pervades Islamic discourse in our country. Instead of studying Quran and trying to elicit from it solutions for the real problems we face (in which case it would have plenty to say), we…

Neighbourhood Candlelight Vigil

Sad to say, my immediate neighbours in my Taman are not terribly socially conscious. And outside my Taman is an UMNO stronghold kampung. Trying to do a Vigil there may not…

Institusikan Pakatan Rakyat – Jim

(Hrkh) - Jamaah Islah Malaysia (Jim) melihat Pakatan Rakyat boleh berjaya sekiranya ditubuhkan Majlis Kepimpinan Tertinggi Pakatan Rakyat, Perjanjian Penubuhan Pakatan Rakyat serta Dasar-dasar…