The Spin During Elections

There would be fallacies that confuse the people every time the elections come around. This indicates that we need to improve the way national politics is being played out.

Royal Commission of Pondans

By Little BirdI actually wanted to title this the Royal Commission of something else but with all the fart jokes stinking up the Lingam Video inquiry it is perhaps apt to link the conduct of the Royal…

The tragedy of Al-Andalusia

A review of Tariq Ali’s ‘Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree’By Mansor bin Puteh who translated it to ‘Bayangan Pohon Delima’published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka

SAHIH – Pusat manipulasi maklumat

Oleh Intan Abdullah KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Jan (Hrkh) - Ibarat menepuk air di dulang, terpercik ke muka sendiri; atau meludah ke langit, akhirnya terkena ke batang hidung sendiri, kerajaan akhirnya terpaksa…

Rocket Kid takes off

(NST) - DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng (third from left) and other party leaders are holding the ’Rocket Kid’, a soft toy as a mascot promoted to which they hoped would soften the…