Market Meltdown

(TodayOnline) - Stock markets around the world were awash in a sea of red yesterday on concerns the United States will enter a recession and slow global growth, as a US$145-billion ($209.6 billion)…

Benarkah Lingam bodohkan prosiding?

(Harakah) - Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja mengenai pita Lingam hari ini memberi amaran kepada peguam yang mewakili VK Thirunama, Wee Choo Keong supaya supaya berhati-hati ketika memberikan kenyataan…

The Origins of the Malays

Prepared By Michael Chick It's been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on the subject of the Origins of the Malays. While we are on the subject, how many of you have read the…

Gila sungguh perilaku Dollah

Malahan belum pernah terjadi sebelum ini seorang Perdana Menteri melakukan adegan kucup berkucup, cium mencium di hadapan khalayak ramai, tetapi yang pasti Abdullah Ahmad Badawi boleh…

Langkawi’s LADA Mismanagement

To the disbelievers, Ever wondered what is the main reason why just a simple idea like in making a motion picture, landed up becoming a blockbuster and then winning the Oscar’s?