Focus on Unity, not Ethnicity

Perhaps our UMNO Penang Malay supremacist, Datuk Ahmad Ismail, should read Tun Haniff's letter (The New Straits Times, November 19, 2008) and more usefully he should read an article by Professor…

Green MyKad move queried

(Daily Express) Both Sabah Barisan Nasional and opposition leaders Tuesday questioned the current registration of "stateless people" at National Registration Department offices statewide…

No surprise that MPSP is nearly broke

So there are questions being asked about what happened to the RM225 million in reserves held by the Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP). Today, the MPSP is nearly broke as Penang Gerakan chief Teng…


Assalamualaikum wr wb,Dear Tun Mahathir, I think you under-estimate the will of the Rakyat to dismantle racialism. In this era of global competition and high technology - for how long can UMNO shield…

Thousands register for green MyKad

(Daily Express) - Thousands of "stateless" people thronged the National Registration Department (NRD) offices at the Federal administration building here and in Tawau, Monday, after the…

Narrow-minded bigotry

The ISA detainees have since relented though. They now no longer perform their Friday prayers. They realise that the more they defy the government the longer they shall remain in Kamunting.NO HOLDS…

Special treat for bloggers

(The Star) - FORMER Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad will be the guest of honour at the bloggers conference called Bloggers Buff 2008 on Saturday at Putra World Trade Centre.

Penang warned on heritage status

Himanshu Bhatt, The SunA senior Unesco official has warned that plans to have new high-rise structures in George Town could affect its World Heritage Site status, now shared with Malacca, when it is…

Check mate, CJ?

“It took me six months to be nice, to bribe each and every individual to get back into their good books before our files were being unattended to” - Zaki, quoted in the New Straits Times…

Build excellence in national schools

WE must admit that our present education system is not doing our nation any favours, as far as race relations is concerned. In fact, we can even go so far as to conclude that it is working against…