Video clip inquiry kicks off

(The Sun) - Businessman Loh Mui Fah, 57, who stole the limelight on the eve of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI)'s hearing on the Lingam video clip scandal, will be the centre of attention at…

Profit-taking correction likely

New Straits TimesBy Kaladher GovindanTHE Kuala Lumpur Composite Index's (KLCI) sudden spurt to break the 1,500-point mark last week was unexpected. During the week, Bursa Malaysia shares extended…

Haidar: Show up and speak under oath

(The Star) - PETALING JAYA: Show your face today and speak under oath - that’s the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s message to the person who admitted making the V.K. Lingam video clip. …

Saksi dedah, video Lingam sahih

Oleh Tarmizi Mohd JamKUALA LUMPUR, 14 Jan (Hrkh)- Seorang tokoh perniagaan, Loh Mui Fah, 58 yang menjadi saksi penting kes pita rakaman perbualan antara peguam kanan dengan seorang yang disyaki bekas…