Did this little angel Sze Wei, who defied one of the 12 conditions laid down by the Police (No anti-ISA tees) softened those 8 non-uniformed police who lurked behind us all during the vigil. It…

Oh, fragile freedom, we will shield thee

I had my hands full at the PJ Anti-ISA vigil last night and did not have the chance to pull out the camera and click away, so I have no photos to offer you as proof of the wonderful evening that it…


Have you ever had to choose between two options only to discover that the choice you made led to a baptism of fire that challenged you in ways that you never imagined and showed you that there are…

Let them rot in jail

Citizen Nades - By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun EVERY right-thinking Malaysian should applaud Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman. She has come out in the open and exposed the wrongdoings of…

Corridors of Cash

The opportunity to ensure that all accounts, past and present, are correct and in order lies within the PR State Governments’ responsibilities now that they are in control and legally possess…

The Malaysian swan song

Call it what you want, Ketuanan Melayu is racism just like Apartheid. A rose by any other name, as Shakespeare would say. There is no way you can water down Apartheid by calling it Ketuanan Melayu.NO…

Enhancing Human Capital Through Health

As those professionals now have internationally-recognized qualifications and skills, the world is now the market for their services, not just Malaysia. You thus risk losing your precious

Can history repeat itself?

And the ISA and ‘Social Contract’ and other petty issues are some easy vehicles being used by the Chinese and some liberal Malays to start the ball rolling, whose ultimate is to see the…

Kisah tiga Abdul dalam Umno Perlis

Safar Jumaat, HARAKAH BERITA dari Perlis, mengenai perlantikan bekas Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Dato' Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad sebagai Penasihat Menteri Besar Perlis tidak mendapat…

Ronnie Liu Charged (VIDEO)

Selangor exco member Ronnie Liu was today charged with abetment in obstructing a Subang Jaya Municipal Council enforcement officer in closing down a hotel last year.