Only the good die young

The Special Branch stood by helplessly as Ramlang spoke at ceramah after ceramah to set the record straight on what happened in the Federal Territory mosque the day Saiful swore on the Quran…

Losing the plot in Penang

Instead of focusing on the "real" opponents and challenges, the delegates chose to play to the gallery and, in the process, may have further alienated their allies, Gerakan and MCA.New…


By KW Mak, The Nut GraphTHE arrest of 23 people who participated in a peaceful candlelight vigil on the night of 9 Nov 2008 in Petaling Jaya has resulted in uproar and indignation. The vigil was meant…

Mahathir Just Stating A Fact, Says Muhyiddin

(Bernama) Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was just stating a a fact when he remarked yesterday that the non-Malays could also become Prime Minister, Umno vice president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin said, Thursday.…

Civic Centre

The Civic Centre in Petaling Jaya shouldn't have been a venue where people were arrested and dispersed.The most precious thing civic centres around the world--from the San Francisco Civic Centre…