Mahathir raises questions over candidates

(The Star) Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has raised questions over the credibility of candidates contesting the number two post in Umno, asking how a candidate with a “very bad…

Ronnie Liu arrested, out on bail (Update)

SHAH ALAM: Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu, who was arrested on Wednesday afternoon over a 2007 case for obstructing MPSJ officials from carrying out their duty, claimed there were elements…

The Malaysian Obama

By Wong Chin Huat, The Nut GraphCOMMENTING on Barack Obama's presidential victory, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi assured Malaysians that anyone can become prime minister of the…

Silap Mata UMNO Silam?

Mantan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Silam, Datuk Haji Mohd Yusof Amat Jamlee telah memfailkan notis bantahan rasmi menggesa agar Majlis Tertinggi Umno membatalkan Persidangan Agung Umno Silam yang diadakan…

Of being Number 4

All through my school life, I had my fair share of forms to fill and each time I get to the part that said "race", I had to choose between (1) Malay, (2) Chinese, (3) Indian and (4) Others.…

Witness: Computer data deleted

Some data in the notebook computer seized from Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin had been deleted, a computer forensic investigator told the Sessions Court yesterday.

Instant Fix For Corruption?

The 2008 Malaysian Commission on Anti-Corruption Bill will be tabled in the Parliament soon. If passed, the Malaysian Commission on Anti-Corruption (MCAC)--once described by our leaders as having…