
Was at the candlelight vigil against ISA as well as to commemorate the first anniversary of BERSIH gathering. the story you can read from Malaysiakini.

Whither the electoral system?

By Deborah Loh, The Nut Graph<!-- Printer Friendly Format -->A YEAR ago on this date, roads in Kuala Lumpur were bathed in waves of yellow t-shirts as thousands rallied for free and fair…

Three-way fight for No. 2 spot

Muhyiddin to face two challengers in rare contest for deputy's post By Hazlin Hassan, Malaysia Correspondent in The Singapore Straits TimesKUALA LUMPUR: International Trade and Industry Minister

Changing Mindsets

Tradition has it that when an Orang Asli young man comes of age, he would be given his axe and then told to leave the tribal home to fend for himself in the jungle. That is one quick and

25 Arrested at Vigil

Ronnie Liu, Tony Pua, Lau Weng San (of DAP Kampung Tunku), Gus of Fisherman's Wharf and Angela (the one who organized Seremban Candlelight Vigils) are amongst those arrested tonight at…

I am Malay, and proud of it

It is time the crutches are removed and the Malays learned how to walk with their heads held up high. Malays have to be made to believe that the Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP is an insult and that…

Govt to appeal release

'I am disappointed but I respect the court decision,' Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar told the New Straits Times newspaper. -- PHOTO: AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

Speech Freedom

Posted by: powersaber I belive that most Malaysians are very happy that Raja Petra has been released from ISA as it shows that justice still prevailed in Malaysia. However, such incident already…