Court ordered Raja Petra be freed

SHAH ALAM, Nov 7 — The High Court today ordered that Raja Petra Kamarudin, editor of the popular news portal Malaysia Today, be released from detention after ruling that his arrest for allegedly…

Obama And UMNO

By KARIM RASLAN, MySinchewLet us compare the politics of two nations - the United States and Malaysia. We are often told that we should not import "foreign influences" into our politics- but…

Mahathir: It Was Hatred For Bush Really

Know the difference between a true visionary leader and a short sighted politician? A leader brings positive energy, cherish diversities and try to bring out strength in them. Lets look at two…

PKR dares Upko to leave the BN

Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) on Wednesday dared Upko President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, to give meaning to his words rather than beat about the bush every time the party is bullied and…

Former Judges got RM10.5m ex-gratia

The government paid out a total RM10.5 million in ex-gratia to six former judges who were "sacked" in the 1988 judicial crisis, including RM5 million to former Lord President Tun Salleh…

An Obama leader in M’sia?

KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIANS impressed by US President-elect Barack Obama's groundbreaking victory debated on Thursday whether someone who is not from the Malay Muslim majority could ever lead their…

Unheard Voice

The talk show "What Say You" by government-run RTM2 was abruptly discontinued.Some said the programme was discontinued because its invitation of Teresa Kok as a guest has enraged a certain…

Razak Baginda no-show

By Debra ChongKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 — Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, recently acquitted of abetting in the murder of a Mongolian woman, failed to turn up this morning for a scheduled press…


DARI JELEBUHishamuddin RaisHegemoni budaya gerombolan United Malays National Organisation amat meluas. Hegemoni budaya yang selama 50 tahun ini telah meresapi ke dalam semua jalur falsafah dan cara…

There’s more to come

KUALA LUMPUR: The RM7 billion economic stimulus package is just the start of more measures Malaysia plans to introduce to keep the economy growing and competitive amid a tougher global environment.