KL unveils $3b plan

Money will be spent on low-cost housing, public transport and facilities By Hazlin Hassan, Malaysia Correspondent in The Singapore Straits TimesKUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's government yesterday

Eurocopter: PAC belakangi Parlimen

Wan Nordin Wan Yaacob, HarakahKetua Pemuda PAS, Salahuddin Ayob mendakwa Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam (PAC) sebagai membelakangi Parlimen apabila mengumumkan bahawa tiada penyelewengan dalam…

Let me tell you, Rocky

In his post today entitled ‘How should a judge endear him/herself to the Bar?’ , Rocky associated with Azmi Anshar’s response to Robert Lazar’s “If Rocky really wants to…

Big shake-up in police narcotics dept

KUALA LUMPUR: More than 60 police officers, including an Assistant Superintendent, and personnel from the narcotics department have been suspended, demoted or transferred in a nationwide clean-up…

Finding Equilibrium

Zaid Ibrahim’s impassioned call for a rejection of race politics last Friday at the LawAsia conference is one that deserves its place in history. His plea for the restoration of democracy and…

Catalyst For Change

NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin There are two types of changes: evolution and revolution. Evolution is the slow change. It normally takes years or generations. Revolutions are immediate,

Najib has much to do

Malaysia's next PM has to fulfil Abdullah's vows but avoid his mistakes By Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau ChiefKUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi swept into office in 2003 promising

Courtroom, An Epitome Of Reality

I am familiar with the reasons for delays I court hearings. When judges wanted to fix the next trial dates they usually set the date for the following year or the year after that , instead of the next…

Can Malaysians live that dream too?

NOV 3 — On July 4th, 1774, a declaration was adopted by the Second Congress of Thirteen States of America, then at war with Great Britain. This was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and it was a…