Fatwa dalam pembangunan masyarakat

Oleh Shanon Shah, The Nut Graph"PENGKID itu apa? Bahasa apa tu?" Itulah persoalan dalam satu diskusi e-mel yang membuat saya tertawa baru-baru ini. Ketika itu si penyoal baru terbaca tentang…

Letter from the Sarawak rainforest

By Sim Kwang Yang in The Nut GraphTHE disturbing news of the rape of Penan schoolgirls by loggers in Sarawak briefly caught national attention. But the flicker of conscience among Malaysians was soon…

Overcoming religious sensitivity

IKIM VIEWS by MD ASHAM AHMAD in The StarRestraining people from knowing and understanding the environment in which they live is akin to reinforcing ignorance, which is the root of fanaticism and…

Stoking the flame of distrust

CERITALAH WITH KARIM RASLAN in The StarMost of our politicians are not seeking to inject hope or even competence into public life but seem focused on politics of fear.

Zaid hits back at critics

KOTA BARU: Former de facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has hit back at three Umno supreme council members who asked him to apologise over remarks he made about Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy).

Standing in the Rain for Justice

Last night my family & I went for the candlelight vigil at Padang PJ. It was drizzling when we left Kota Kemuning at 7.30pm. Traffic at Federal Highway was rather…

RM5b + RM5b = RM10b worth of questions

The first 5 billion ringgit question is of course related to state investment company Valuecap. That’s the RM5 billion taken from our EPF money to be used by Valuecap to “invest” in…

Are These Ads Racist?

I note that a lot of the comments in the MT website criticize UMNO and the NEP and various other policies as racist. I wonder if the commenters would consider the following job ads as racist also:

Directions to SA high court

To reach the Bangunan Sultan Salehuddin, If you get on the Federal Highway, head towards Shah Alam ( after batu tiga toll) 2nd turn off (left). Take 3 o'clock at roundabout. straight,

Entering the Malay mind

Azly Rahmanhttp://azlyrahman-illuminations.blogspot.com/ In this digital age of postmodernity, hypertextuality, alienation, and of chaos and complexity in which the historical march of capitalism has…

Time’s Up, Taib! Just Go!

Open Letter From Sarawak Headhunter To Taib Mahmud. 1.11.2008 Dear Taib, Time's up! It's time to go. Please go and spare all Sarawakians the trouble of taking you down by force or

Apologise, Syed Hamid tells Zaid

(NST) BALING: Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said former minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim should apologise over his remarks on the concept…