PM: Zaki a man of reforms

By JANE RITIKOS in The StarKUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has assured the legal fraternity that new Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Tun Azmi is a man of reforms.

New CJ vows tough action on errant judges

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 - The new Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi has vowed to be tough on errant judges, saying they should consider a different career instead of tarnishing the image of the judiciary.

Instilling Internet ethics to curb abuse

While we move onwards with the Internet as the catalyst for development, it is equally imperative that we change our mindset so that it is better, if not on par with a developed society. Access to the…

Hats off to Khalid Ibrahim

Amidst the hullabaloo surrounding the appointment of Low Siew Moi as the acting general manager of PKNS, I want to acknowledge Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim’s resolve in selecting Low on the…

Remember, dirt sticks

AFTER more than seven months in power, the Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor is still discovering "irregularities" committed by the previous government formed by the Barisan Nasional…

Govt reviewing major projects

PUTRAJAYA: The government is reviewing projects with "smaller multiplier effects" so that the financial allocations could be used instead for economic development and other measures which…

Money politics under fire

Umno will lose next elections if graft is left unchecked, Dr Mahathir warns By Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief, Singapore Straits Times KUALA LUMPUR - THE unusually long campaign period for

Understanding the social contract

Reflecting on the law, by SHAD SALEEM FARUQI, The StarIn the Malaysian context, ‘social contract’ refers to the bargain in a political society between the state and its citizens. Citizens…

A tale of two contracts

By Wong Chin Huat, The Nut GraphMANY are talking about the "social contract" as though it is a single construct with a single meaning: the so-called ethnic compromise in Malaysia. Nothing…

Grand coalition not feasible

By Zedeck Siew, The Nut Graph<!-- Printer Friendly Format -->REFLECTING on the 37-year history of the Barisan Nasional (BN), it is easy to conclude that there is some worth in grand coalitions…

Confirmed – Eurocopter deal off for now

By Shannon TeohKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 28 - The Eurocopter deal has been deferred until the economy improves, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi said today, confirming a Malaysian Insider report.

Kisah Umno dan cerita buaya

Oleh MF Othman UMNO dan Buaya. Walaupun kelihatan agak pelik dan janggal, saya merasakan kaitan antara keduanya cukup kuat. Mengapa?. Kerana pada hemat saya, apabila kita berbicara tentang UMNO