Side Effect of UMNO’s Racist Rule

Incoming Prime Minister Najib Razak has promised to relax the FIC guidelines and dismantle the New Economy Policy. The relaxation of the guidelines mean very little if the mindset of policy makers,…

PKR MPs Told Not To Leave Country

(Sinchew Daily) A PKR member of parliament told Sin Chew Daily that Pakatan Rakyat MPs had been instructed not to leave the country within the next two weeks. However, DAP and PAS MPs said they had…

Recession looms as oil boom fades

(MALAYSIAN INSIDER) Malaysia isn't in a recession yet but give us time. The time will soon come when we have to bite the bullet and make painful adjustments. That will have to happen because oil…


Berasal dari Negeri Sembilan. Orangnya kecil molek, berkulit cerah dan mempunyai tahi lalat besar di pipi. Tahi lalat saiz duit siling lima puluh sen. Mengikut cerita

Wanted Dead

Rosmah does not know what to do. She’s confused. She desperately wants Guruji back. Especially now when Najib’s enemies are unsheathing their swords to strike the fatal blow. And

Join us Every Sunday!

If you weren't at the candlelight vigil for RPK at the padang in front of Amcorp Mall, PJ, last Sunday the 26th, then you please consider joining us…

About the ISA petition

The National delegates Conference of Parti Gerakan early this month passed a resolution calling for the repeal of the ISA.

Ong Tee Keat’s Worries

Datuk Ong Tee Keat is relatively relaxed during his "lone ranger days". Now, he has a lot of worries and the question of whether to recommend Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek to be a minister…


1. Satu inovasi yang diperkenalkan oleh Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi apabila sahaja dia menjadi Perdana Menteri ialah penubuhan satu badan penasihat khas yang dianggotai oleh menantu, anak dan

Just live and let live

OCT 28 — Differences can be challenging. They assault routines and stereotypes to force modifications or even outright revamps of worldviews. When none of that occurs and the differences end up…

Zulkifli Nordin is unteachable!

“ I don't care about other's thought on Islam I was referring to comments by non-Muslim on Islam. And I've no regret in saying that coz I don't need the non-Muslim to teach…

Kutuklah PAS Sekuat-kuatnya

Bertubi-tubi Pakatan mengutuk Barisan Nasional atas polisi-polisi yang dipandang memihak kepada sesuatu kaum untuk merebut sokongan setiap kaum. Kini tibalah masa melancarkan serangan.

It’s the economy Najib!

Leslie Lau, The Malaysian InsiderDuring the March general election campaign, the opposition’s message was simple: Barisan Nasional (BN), they told voters, stood for “Barang Naik,”…

Running Away

A few days ago, I was talking to a friend. A meandering dialogue, it was really an excuse for us to reconnect as friends do. And as these exchanges tend to, we drifted into matters of family. She…

Aci, Aci, buka pintu…

‘Ya, mahu apa?’ ‘Aci, saya Zulkifli Nordin, calon Parti Keadilan untuk Kulim, mahu minta sokongan Aci punya family. Mahu sembang sikit apa pasal mahu kasi buang sama BN dan

After Nov 4

The above picture is the one that we have right now of the state of the economy that we are going to face. Sorry for the quality because I guess the picture itself knows the grim outlook and

PAS: A picture is worth…

Perhaps you’ve seen the photos (as this one on the left which appeared on Malaysiakini) of PAS vice-president Husam Musa with family members of the 10 individuals who were detained and