Separation of Islam And Justice

NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin It appears like Yang Berhormat Zulkifli Nordin, a Member of Parliament for Kulim has put his foot in his mouth again. After his very embarrassing

Najib: Instil values of racial equality

KUANTAN, Oct 25 - Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today called for values of racial equality to be instilled in all Malaysians to strengthen interracial unity which has been the mainstay…

Siapa Mangsa Politik Rafidah

Politik negara sekarang agak panas dan begitu sensasi apabila penganalisa memberikan perhatian penuh kepada isu peralihan kuasa Pak Lah kepada Najib. Ditambah pula dengan proses pemilihan yang begitu…

Free RPK: The 2nd Habeas Corpus Heard

I am sorry for not having done this earlier. It has been a busy week.As you would have already read, the hearing went on as scheduled before Justice Syed Helmy. on 22nd October 2008. The hearing went…


Syed Jaafar bin Hassan Albar was the father of the current controversial Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar. His staunch defense of his political party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO)…

Hello, are we on the same planet?

By Teik Lim Saw in MalaysiakiniAll you have to do is spend a little time watching CNN and BBC and you will be inundated with all the news of falling stock markets, financial crunch in banks, credit…

ACA report lodged against Najib

PUTRAJAYA, Oct 24 - The Pakatan Rakyat Youth wings today lodged a report at the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) headquarters here against Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for alleged…

‘Govt action not anti-Indian’

PUTRAJAYA: The action against the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) should not be construed as a clampdown on Indians or Hinduism by the government, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

Hindraf 10 could be jailed 5 years

PUTRAJAYA: The 10 supporters of the outlawed Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) who were arrested for gathering outside the prime minister's office on Thursday face a maximum five years'…

An Uncle James In Each Of Us

As RPK spends his second month cloistered in the pits of Kamunting, we who are not may be about our daily lives. Occasionally in the midst of it, we may be thinking of a brave man…

UMNO’s Economic Plans

OPP1 is not a name that we can promptly associate with anything or anyone here in Malaysia. Ask the man on the street what OPP1 is and nine out of ten will start scratching their heads in…

Dear Pete …

I bring warm greetings from the outside.How are you? It’s been raining cats these days. I think the skies are letting go all the rain in protest of your detention. By the way, is that pussy…