Threat to National Security?

I read with utter Horror about the arrest of the 11 Concerned Indians who were outside the Prime Minister Department’s office in Putrajaya while trying to submit a letter. Since when was it a…

11 ahli kumpulan Hindraf ditahan

Suhaimi Taib, Harakah Sebelas orang penyokong kumpulan Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) ditahan ketika ingin menyerahkan surat jemputan ke jamuan Hari Deepavali di pejabat Perdana Menteri di…

Proud to be in the MT family

Last Tuesday, I was down in Malacca eating at a hawker stall when a lady stranger said that she liked my t-shirt. I was of course wearing the " I am with RPK"…

The dilemma of moral policing

By Khairil Anhar, The Nut GraphIT was a Saturday night, and the band NRG was just wrapping up the last number at The Pub in Holiday Inn Glenmarie in Shah Alam when they heard shouts. Suddenly, the…

IMM13 holders getting PR so easily: Upko

Kota Kinabalu: United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) welcomed the setting up of the Special Unit at the National Registration Department (NRD) and Immigration Department to clear…