Dear HINDRAF supporters

Thank you for the concern shown on the recent ban on HINDRAF. Many of you are anxious as to what would happen next. Numerous questions have been posed. What would we do? Have we lost the struggle?

Dear Uncle Prime Minister

When you become Prime Minister, I was only a young girl. My mother said to me the day you were sworn in that you will initiate reforms in our country. She said you will get rid of…

DAP rep slams Kedah government

ALOR STAR: The sole DAP assemblyman in Kedah has given the Pas-led state government until Nov 18 to withdraw its new policy requiring 50 per cent of new houses to be allocated to Bumiputeras.

Tension in Umno women’s wing

Many members want popular deputy Shahrizat to take over reins of Umno wing KUALA LUMPUR: WHILE most of the focus in the coming Umno elections is on the men who will emerge as the top leaders, a…

Rais: Saya diminta beli undi

(Malaysiakini) Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim mendakwa beliau diminta memberikan wang untuk mendapatkan undi bagi pencalonan jawatan naib presiden yang menjadi sasarannya dalam pemilihan Umno, Mac tahun…

‘Cerpen tiada kaitan dengan Teresa’

Jimadie Shah Othman, MalaysiakiniCerpen 'Politik Baru YB J', yang mengisahkan pembunuhan seorang wakil rakyat wanita Cina, tidak kena-mengena dengan ahli parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok seperti…

I swear in the name of Gurusamy

Witness protection programs are to protect witnesses from those who do not want the witness to testify. From those who stand to lose the most if that witness ‘blows the whistle’. So,

Aminah Describes Her Ordeal

On Oct 19, 2006, I arrived at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in Damansara Heights to begin my night duty. I had parked my car outside as usual. I saw a yellow Proton Perdana taxi pass by

Beacons of Hope

I finally made it to the candlelight vigil yesterday and was really pleased I made the effort because I got a chance to see many like-minded acquaintances that I…


As a student I knew of the horrors of the Holocaust and other human tragedies, but merely as a distant thunder: The violation of human rights and crimes against humanity were only an abstract

Truth is stranger than fiction

by Chan Kheng Hoe in The SunYou can’t write a good piece of fiction in Malaysia. Don’t get me wrong. It is not that Malaysians can’t be good writers. The problem with fiction is that…

Selangor axes real estate JVs

Maria J.Dass in The SunSelangor will no longer embark on joint venture real estate projects with private companies as this practice had cost the state an estimated RM30 billion in revenue loss over…