Pas to meet on Muslim agenda

By Adib ZalkapliKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 20 - All Pas central working committee members and the highly influential Religious Scholars Consultative Council are scheduled to discuss the perceived split in the…

Pak Lah will not budge on transition

OCT 20 -When Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi chairs the Umno Supreme Council meeting tonight, he will make it clear that he will not succumb to another "groundswell'' and leave office…

Government drafting media policy

KUALA LUMPUR: The government has started drafting a media policy and the setting up of a media council but it is still in the early stages, said Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

Sedition trial starts for activist

KUALA LUMPUR - A PROMINENT ethnic Indian activist went on trial for sedition on Monday for claiming that the Malay Muslim-dominated government practiced 'ethnic cleansing' policies to…

A Sunday to remember

There were exhibition, speeches, music, and sales of anti-ISA badges and T-shirts to remind Penangites that 21 years ago the Mahathir government mounted a massive political clampdown, codenamed…