The undaunted prince

By SUHAINI AZNAM in The StarTengku Razaleigh Hamzah is again trying to achieve his dream of becoming Umno president but with a national agenda in mind. Some say he is pushing his luck; he says he is…

‘Detain Khairy under ISA’

KUALA LUMPUR: A Perak MCA Youth delegate who had called for Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin to be detained under the Internal Security Act for making racist statements is sticking to his…

‘Umno is too dominant’

KUALA LUMPUR: Outgoing MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting has outlined various issues - ranging from the Internal Security Act to the issuing of Government contracts and dominance of Umno in the…

Ex-PM told not to meddle

GEORGE TOWN: DAP chairman Karpal Singh told former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to take his own advice about not meddling in government matters.

Dr M: Study proposals carefully

PUTRAJAYA: Barisan Nasional must study carefully the effects of proposals such as direct membership to the coalition or having a deputy chairmanship for MCA before implementing them.

Who is he? asks Abdullah

KOTA KINABALU: The gloves came off yesterday. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's patience finally wore off and he lambasted his predecessor, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and minister…

Dr M creating disunity, says PM

KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi does not rule out that an attempt is being made to push him out of office earlier than March and slammed his key critics Tun Dr Mahathir…

Soi Lek promises to reinvent party

KUALA LUMPUR: Newly-elected MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has promised to fulfil his pledge to help reinvent and rebuild the party.He also pledged to regain the members’…


People avert their eyes. The sight was anathema to them. A chance glance causes a sharp wincing pain. The telltale warning sign is a quick blink and a

Restore Justice

I wish to say that I'm not into politics ... well, not really. I have also not read any of RPK's articles or articles from Malaysia-Today, although…

Umno not a bully? Yeah. Right

COMMENTARYOCT 18 — Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi must be suffering from amnesia.That is the most charitable conclusion to draw after he said today that the perception of Umno being a bully in…

Activist expected to be released today

By FARIK ZOLKEPLIJOHOR BARU: The female activist arrested for allegedly spreading false information concerning the demolition of a squatter colony in Kampung Baru Plentong Tengah is expected to be…

A relaxing day out at DAP Hari Raya bash

By Debra ChongBANGI, Oct 18 – For a first effort, it was pretty decent. The spread was humble but substantial; the entertainment low-key but it captured the spirit of the festival; and the…

Malaysia: Yet another blogger rebuked

By Daniel Chandranayagam Deputy Chief Minister, Alfred Jabu Numpang, of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, has criticised blogger, Joseph Tawie for a posting on the latter’s blog. Freelance…

Pak Lah: Umno is not a bully

By Shannon TeohKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 — Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has refuted the idea that Umno bullies its partners in the Barisan Nasional.

Dr M wants Umno polls back to December

By Adib ZalkapliKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 — In yet another attempt to hasten Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s departure, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said the postponement of the Umno…

Some want PM to exit earlier

Views from the ground are that campaign for Umno election is too long, says Muhyiddin By Reme Ahmad, Assistant Foreign Editor, Singapore Straits TimesSOME Umno leaders are agitating for an earlier

In This Season Of Endless Grievances

Political turmoil continues to boil over; the global financial crisis is knocking at our door; the spectre of racism stubbornly lingers on; while the pressure of life gets heavier and heavier. Today,…

Blogger wants his day in court

Blogger Syed Azidi Syed Aziz, a.k.a. Sheih Kickdefella today called for the police to either charge him in court with sedition, or end investigations against him.