M’sia may be hit by recession

(The Straits Times) A PRIVATE Malaysian think tank on Thursday cut its 2009 economic growth forecast for the country to 3.4 per cent and warned of a possible recession if the US economy deteriorates.…

Muhyiddin moves to finish off PM

The Malaysian Insider CommentaryBuoyed by the overwhelming lead he has secured for the deputy presidency after the first week of nominations from Umno divisions, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has moved to…

Press Statement from Hindraf

RE: COWARDLY ACT BY THE UMNO LED GOVERNMENT TO SUPPRESS AND OPPRESS MALAYSIAN INDIAN MINORITYDeclaring Hindraf as an illegal organization will in any case not banish the spirit that created Hindraf.…

Pakatan leaders slam Hindraf ban

By ROYCE CHEAH, The StarKUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat has slammed the banning of Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) by the Home Ministry questioning why it is the only organisation being singled out…

Malaysian politics according to Zaid

By Jacqueline Ann Surin and Shanon Shah, The Nut GraphDATUK Zaid Ibrahim is convinced that Umno, the dominant party in the Barisan Nasional (BN), will not have the political will to reform and change…

Leaked internal memo!

By Zedeck Siew, The Nut GraphSOME background: a hypothetical friend of mine happens to be one of the directors attached to TV5's hit original series, Keramat. Aware of its succulent potential, he…

Najib denies power abuse … again

UPDATEDKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 - Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak again denied any abuse of power in in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case, telling Barisan Nasional MPs today that his associate Abdul Razak…

What now Hindraf?

By Baradan Kuppusamy OCT 16 — Now that Hindraf has been outlawed, what’s next for the the movement is a question on many minds.

DAP lodges police report against Utusan

By Adib ZalkapliKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 - Bandar Kuching MP, Chong Chieng Jen lodged a police report against Malaysian Press Institute CEO, Datuk Chamil Wariya and Utusan Malaysia at the Dang Wangi…

Oh Guruji, ke mana kau pergi?

Life would have been a lot safer for some people if Alexander Graham Bell had never invented that thing called the telephone. And if no one had come up with this modern day thing everyone calls the…

Lawyers unanimously against the ISA

The Malaysian Bar has unanimously passed a resolution at its extraordinary general meeting calling for the release of all ISA detainees and the repeal of the ISA. Brendan Navin Siva and Tony Woon…

Who you calling chicken?

By Wong Chin Huat, The Nut GraphSOMETIMES you need to change for the sake of changing. It's all about signalling to others: "I am willing to take extreme measures, so you'd better do…

Just smoke and mirrors

Brave New World, by AZMI SHAROM in The StarThere are similarities between the world financial crisis and the possibility of Malaysians joining Barisan Nasional without having to join one of the…

Siapa bohong? Najib atau Anwar?

Terkejut babun saya pagi tadi apabila Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Senator Datuk Amirsham Abdul Aziz mendakwa di Dewan Rakyat bahawa Malaysia tidak terjejas dengan krisis kewangan dunia

Penan rape claims ignored for 8 years

KUCHING: The Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) had eight years ago asked authorities in Sarawak to investigate claims that Penan girls had been sexually abused by loggers in upper Baram.

No end to Umno-Gerakan tiff

BUTTERWORTH: It looks like the tiff between the state Umno and Gerakan in Penang is set to drag on as both sides are unwilling to resolve their differences.

Ban draws mixed reaction

KUALA LUMPUR: While not really being surprised, Hindraf leaders, however, expressed regret that their hopes to continue fighting for Indians community have been dashed.