Beyond Tun Razak

OCT 13 — Of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s litany of failures, one of the least recognised yet important ones is that through his “back to the kampung base”…

2009 budget too weak: Anwar

He accused Malaysian govt of being in denial.KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIA'S opposition leader on Monday called for overhauling the country's budget for next year, saying government leaders are…

In defence of Utusan Malaysia

Tabung Azan for Utusan Malaysia. We live in interesting times, where those who complain about the mainstream media being muzzled by the authorities are also the ones who sue these media at the

Save Raja Petra Kamaruddin

There comes a Time,When we hear a certain call,When Malaysians must come together as ONE,There are people in prison (like RPK),And it's time to lend a hand (to their fight),the greatest…

ISA Candlelight Vigil Opp. Amcorp Mall

This is the second candlelight vigil I attended. The first was after Teresa Kok was arrested under the ISA. The crowd was over 200. I went with 2 other church members, John Chung and…

Sam’s walks with RPK

Dear Malaysia-Today friends, I have been following MT since 2005. The arrest of RPK under the ISA pains me no end. Since then, I have pledged to walk with RPK and I shall not let our hero…

No-confidence motion not on

(The Malaysian Insider) Contrary to expectations, opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today indicated that he is not going to move for a motion of no-confidence against the prime minister.

Pak Lah backs Najib on latest allegations

Adip Zalkapli, The Malaysian InsiderPrime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today defended his designated successor Datuk Seri Najib Razak against renewed allegations about the latter’s…

Belanjawan negara ‘outdated’

M. Khaleel Kas, HarakahKetua Pembangkang, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim mendesak agar Menteri Kewangan baru, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak agar membentang belanjawan negara yang baru.

Harga Pemuda Umno RM500 sahaja?

Abdual Aziz Mustafa. HarakahPertandingan merebut jawatan Ketua Pemuda Umno semakin panas dengan dakwaan wujudnya politik wang yang begitu berleluasa sehingga melibatkan jumlah yang sangat besar.