Businessmen close to Abdullah quit

More expected to leave as Najib erects his own inner circle of power By Hazlin Hassan, Malaysia Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR: Two businessmen close to Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi are quitting their

Call to amend marriage law

KUALA LUMPUR: The Bar Council has urged the government to amend the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce ) Act 1976 to allow Muslim converts to dissolve their civil marriage in the High Court.

Hamid got it all wrong: SAPP

Kota Kinabalu: The notion that the Home Minister had "restored" or "granted" the citizenship of natives like in the case of Yong Lee Hua is "absolutely ridiculous".

Fiery showdown on the cards

KUALA LUMPUR: Going by his timeline for the establishment of a new government, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should now be prime minister and today's sitting of Parliament would probably be looking at…

Anwar not revealing new date

KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim does not want to reveal the new date in which he proposes to take over the Federal Government.

PR to call for review of Budget 2009

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) MPs will call for a review of Budget 2009 in the Dewan Rakyat tomorrow, now that the government has a new Finance Minister in Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul…

Anwar seeks budget review

KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIAN opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said he will call for a review of the country's 2009 budget when parliament reconvenes on Monday, saying it had become…

Cheras Umno starts fund for Utusan

By ROYCE CHEAH, The StarKUALA LUMPUR: The Cheras Umno division has started a fund to assist Utusan Malaysia in defending itself against a RM30mil defamation lawsuit filed by Seputeh MP Teresa Kok.

Gerakan against detention without trial

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 12 - Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon today suggested that the Barisan Nasional (BN) set up a special task force to review the Internal Security Act (ISA), Printing Presses…

The Right to Know

OCT 12 - In almost every major political and social conflict in Malaysia, the protagonists will almost always use "facts" to support their arguments. Case in point: for years many people…

A Prime Minister for the times?

OCT 12 - So, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi has finally announced he will be stepping down. While this is undoubtedly going to be greeted with cheers from many, I see no particular reason to rejoice.

PM: Foundation has been laid

"A new generation of young, well educated and better informed Malaysians has emerged. People are not stupid or ill-informed, so BN must learn to explain its policies better. The most important…

Nice guys finish last

ONE of Malaysia's most well-known and often controversial media bosses has fired a broadside at Umno and Malaysian politics.Datuk Seri Kalimullah Hassan, deputy chairman of the New Straits Times…

The conscience of Barisan Nasional

By Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, The Nut GraphExcerpts of the speech by United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok at the party's annual general…

A Ruler’s Latest Foibles

Two recent news items tucked inconspicuously in the mainstream papers caught my attention. One was a column by Shad Saleem Faruqi (“Test Case On Right To Sue Sultans,” The Star,